Over a year ago, Inner West Council (IWC) met with the State Minister for Planning and the Department of Planning and it was agreed that IWC would do their own LEP for Croydon.
If this LEP was completed by February 2025, it was agreed that the Croydon Transport Oriented Development (TOD) policy would not apply to the LEP area.
IWC also received $2.5 million to design the LEP from the Federal Government.
As the LEP has not been completed, the TOD and Low and mid-rise (LMR) changes have kicked in.
However, I have been advised that IWC is almost ready to release a draft LEP.
This new LEP will supersede and override the TOD and LMR changes.
As a community, we have to voice our concerns - we need certainty from IWC that the new LEP will provide necessary housing while protecting our valuable heritage across Croydon’s unique Heritage Conservation Areas.
As a result, when the draft LEP goes on exhibition in April, we will organise a public meeting where we will invite you, Council Officers and your local Ward Councillors to give you the opportunity to be consulted and have input on the new LEP.
There is a housing crisis, and we do need to provide additional housing, but we can do it in such a way that protects the heritage of Croydon.